
AudioCodes call logging

The following data will be logged from AudioCodes Gateway (Extended). The program can extract several data fields: Call type, Call time, Connect time, Release time, Ring, Call Identifier, Call Originator, Direction, Trunk, Ext, Dialed IP, Caller phone, Source URL, Destination URL, Call duration (sec), Call duration, Termination Reason, Caller Display ID, Callee Display ID, Call ID, Session ID, Report Type, Leg ID, Endpoint Type, Call Orig, Source IP, Destination IP, Remote IP, Source Port, Dest Port, Remote Port, Termination Side, Termination Raison, Redirect Reason, IP Group Name, Transport Type, Termination Reason Category, IP Profile Name, Media Realm Name, SIP Termination Reason, SIP Termination Description, Caller Display ID, Callee Display ID, SIPInterface Name, Termination Side Yes No, ProxySet Name, Call Succes, Coder Type, Local Packet Loss, Local Round Trip Delay, Local Jitter, Remote Packet Loss, Remote Round Trip Delay, Remote Jitter, Local RTP IP, Local RTP Port, Remote RTP IP, Remote RTP Port, RTP IP DiffServ, Local MOS CQ, Latched RTP IP, Latched RTP Port, Coder Transcoding, MC Name, Source URI, Destination URI, Source URI Before Manipulation, Destination URI Before Manipula, Redirect URI, Redirect URI Before Manipulatio, Source Username, Destination Username, Source Username Before Manipula, Destination Username Before Man, Source Host, Destination Host, Source Host Before Manipulation, Destination Host Before Manipul, Remote SIP User Agent.

Your telephone system (or PBX, PABX) produces a packet of data (a call record) after every phone call your company or office makes through it. These call records contain important information about each call, including whether it was an incoming call, and outgoing call, or another type, such as an internal (extension to extension) call.

Call log records from AudioCodes Gateway contain information about the caller phone and the dealed phone, as well as extra information such as the call duration, the time of the call, and other information, such as which telephone line (trunk) was used to carry the call.

The usual practice of AudioCodes Gateway call logging involves capturing these call records, parsing it, and storing them in a database, and their subsequent retrieval by way of a reporting interface.

AudioCodes Gateway

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