IEC 62056-21 Power Meter Data Logging
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Problem scenario:
My goal is to read values from the "Iskra Emeco MT860" power meter using the IEC 62056-21 protocol.
Other our articles may help If you have power meters or other devices with MODBUS or Bacnet/IP.
This high precision power meter may be shipped with the IEC 62056-21 interface. It is the simplest data exchange interface. When a computer sends an initial request, the device returns all data (the "Readout" command). So, you only need to connect the meter to your computer.
It is assumed that:
You've connected the device to your computer using an RS232 or RS485 interface. Usually, devices use the IEC 62056 protocol in conjunction with an optical output. In this case, you need a converter to RS232. Your device may allow configuring a device address and an initial baud rate.
Also, you need documentation for your device. It should contain information about values and their OBIS codes. It is the annex "A" (page #57) for IskraEmeco MT860.
1. Configure the COM port connection settings. If you didn't create any configuration yet, click the "Green Plus" button in the main window. The standard communication settings are:
Baud rate: 300 (but some devices may have a custom setting).
Data bits: 7
Parity: Even
Stop bits: 1.

Fig. 1 COM Port settings
2. Enable the "IEC 62056-21" plugin (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 IEC 62056-21 plugin
3. Configure the "IEC 62056-21" plugin by clicking the "Setup" button closely to the drop-down box (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Requests queue.
4. Load the queue from the attached XML file by clicking the "Action - Load" button. This queue allows reading two basic values from the device, but you may add more. Note: you may delete all response items. In this case, the program will read all possible data. Also, you may load the full configuration using the "File - Restore configuration backup" menu item in the main window.
5. Adjust the polling interval as you want.
6. If you just want to write the parsed data to a file, then make the following changes:

Fig. 4 Data view mode

Fig. 5 Log file settings
7. If you need to write the parsed to Excel or a database, then you may continue using links below. All data export plugins use parser variables. TYou've defined these variables' names in the "Export name" field (fig. 3).
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IEC 62056-21