
Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard. SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Station Message Detail Recording 6 (SMDR6)

The Station Message Detail Recording 6 (SMDR6) is a unit that connects to your Norstar Key System Unit (KSU) to record call activity. Each time a telephone call is made to or from your company, the information about the call is recorded. When the call is completed, information about the call is printed out in Call Records

Programming SMDR6

To access the SMDR6 Administration menu press [Feature] [9] [*] [2]. The display shows: SMDR6 Admin. Then configure following options as:

  • Printer: 38400 (press [CHANGE] to set new baudrate)
  • Format: SL-1 or SL-1 CLID (press [SHOW] then [CHANGE])
  • Report: All (output info about all calls)
  • Language: English
  • Access codes: leave unchanged
  • Feature: F999

Note: If you use M7100/M7208 telephones for programming SMDR6 use following buttons as:

  • [*] - NEXT
  • [O] - SHOW
  • [#] - CHANGE


When you use the FEATURE 9 * 2 code you may see some error messages:
INACTIVE FEATURE. That error message indicates that there is a problem with the connection between the phone system and the SMDR6 box. That connection is made using a standard RJ11 telephone cord (the same type of cord you would use to plug a telephone).
PRINTER PROBLEM. This error appears if connection between the SMDR6 unit and a computer is broken or our software is not active. Please, verify the following: cable (you need a straight serial cable, not a NULL cable), a COM port number, baud rate, launch our software on your computer.

Configuring PBX Logger

COM port settings

Set communication parameters:

  • Baud rate: 38400
  • Data bits: 8
  • Parity: None
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Hardware flow control: enable all options


Module -> Query Parse Filter -> Parser -> [Nortel Norstar SL-1] or [Nortel Norstar SL-1 CLID]

Selecting the correct parser for Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard

Parser Selection For Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard

Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Record typestringCALL_TYPE
Record type namestringRECORD_TYPE_NAME
Customer NostringFLAG2
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Account codestringACC

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

We offer the PBX Reports utility, which includes various manual, scheduled, and email reports, a built-in web server, and other features. You can implement your call accounting system for Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard. Check our PBX Reports utility.

Want PBX call logs in a database?

This is the standard feature: the logger captures and exports SMDR or CDR data in real-time to your database. Check our article about call logging to a database.

Nortel Norstar SL1 Standard related connection settings

Nortel Meridian (3 rows,v25)
Nortel Norstar SL1 CLID
Nortel Norstar Standard
Nortel Type 2
Onyx III

Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴

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