
AudioCodes SBC. SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Configuring CDR

Note: For CDR reporting, you must also enable the Syslog feature.

1. Open the Syslog Settings page (Troubleshoot menu > Troubleshoot tab > Logging folder > Syslog Settings).
2. From the Enable Syslog drop-down list, select Enable.
3. Specify the Syslog Server IP address
5. Specify the Syslog Server Port number (default: 514).
6. Open the Call Detail Record Settings page.
7. Under the CDR Reports group:
7.1. Specify the IP address of your computer or server with Advanced PBX Data Logger in the CDR Server IP Address field.
7.2. Select End Call in CDR Report Level and Medial CDR Report Level drop-down lists.
7.3. Select Disable in CDR Syslog Sequence Number.

Syslog settings

CDR settings

SBC CDR Format

8. Open the SBC CDR Format page.
9. Define fields as showed on fig. 3 (the column order is important).

SBC CDR settings

Configuring Advanced PBX Data Logger as a TCP server

Advanced PBX Data Logger should be configured to the TCP server mode and listen on (see below). The IP address allows receiving data from all network connections on your computer. The port number should match the value from the SMDR settings in your AudioCodes SBC.

1. Add a new configuration with the TCP data source (if you didn't it before).

TCP/IP Data Interface

2. Configure the TCP settings as shown below.

TCP Server Mode for AudioCodes SBC



Selecting the correct parser for AudioCodes SBC

Parser Selection For AudioCodes SBC - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

AudioCodes SBC

AudioCodes SBC

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Connect timedatetimeCONNECT_TIME
Release timedatetimeRELEASE_TIME
Call IdentifierstringFLAG6
Call OriginatorstringFLAG5
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Source URLstringFLAG1
Destination URLstringFLAG2
Call duration (sec)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Termination ReasonstringFLAG7
Caller Display IDstringFLAG3
Callee Display IDstringFLAG4
Termination ReasonstringTERM_REASON
Termination Reason CategotystringTERM_REASON_CAT
IP Group NamestringIP_GROUP
SRD ID and NamestringSRD_ID
SIP interface IDstringSIP_ID
Proxy Interface IDstringPROXY_ID
IP Profile IDstringIP_PROFILE
Medial Realm IDstringMEDIA_REALM
Direct Media IDstringDIRECT_MEDIA
SIP Termination ReasonstringSIP_TERM_REASON
SIP Termination DescriptionstringSIP_TERM_DESC

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

With our PBX Reports utility, you get manual, scheduled, and email reporting options, a built-in web server, and other functionalities. Set up your call accounting for AudioCodes SBC. Check our PBX Reports utility.

Want PBX call logs in a database?

Real-time capture and export of SMDR or CDR data to your database is a standard feature of the logger. Check our article about call logging to a database.

AudioCodes SBC related connection settings

AudioCodes Gateway (Extended)
AudioCodes Mediant 1000
AudioCodes VoIP Gateway
Australia Mobile (CSV)
Avaya (59 Chars Output Format ACM 4.0+)

Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴

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