
Send Call Logs to Two IP Destinations or Call Accounting Systems

Problem description

My PBX can only send the call logging (charges) information to one IP destination and port. But we are testing call (voice) recorder that also needs the call log information for the extension number, dialed number, etc. How to send SMDR or CDR data to two IP destinations?

Data flow diagram
Figure 1: Data flow diagram

How to split data from PBX sent over TCP

1. Install the TCP Splitter application on any computer. Preferable, if it is a computer with your primary call accounting application.

2. Configure TCP settings for incoming data (fig. 2). Usually, these settings should repeat the settings from your existing call accounting application.

TCP port for incoming data
Figure 2: TCP port for incoming data

3. Configure a connection with two destinations (fig. 3).

TCP ports for outgoing data
Figure 3: TCP ports for outgoing data

If you installed TCP Splitter on the computer with your call accounting application, you should:

1. If you can change settings in your call accounting application, you should change the TCP port because two applications (TCP Splitter and your call accounting application) cannot listen to data on the same port. In this case, you should specify the new port number in field #2 (fig. 3).

2. If you can only change settings on the PBX side, you should change the TCP port there. In this case, you should specify the new port number in field #2 (fig.2).

How to split data from PBX to two fully different call accounting systems (TCP port and COM port)

You should combine our two utilities: TCP Splitter and TCP COM Bridge. You should install TCP COM Bridge on the computer with the call accounting application that receives data through a COM port.

TCP Splitter splits TCP data into two destinations, as described above. The second destination is TCP COM Bridge. Then TCP COM Bridge converts TCP data to a virtual or real COM port.

Data flow diagram
Figure 4: Data flow diagram

How to implement call logging to two destinations and change the data format

You should combine our two utilities: TCP Splitter and Advanced PBX Data Logger. The following tutorial described how to change the CDR data format using our logger.

Complex case (interface and data format conversions)

It would help if you combined all our utilities: TCP Splitter, TCP COM Bridge, Advanced PBX Data Logger. Ask our support team if you need help with that.