
Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3. SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Selecting the correct parser for Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3

Parser Selection For Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3 - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3

Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Call type namestringCALL_TYPE_NAME
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Flag 2stringFLAG2

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

The PBX Reports utility we offer includes multiple report types - manual, scheduled, and via email, built-in web server, and additional features. Easily implement your call accounting system for Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3. Check our PBX Reports utility.

Want PBX call logs in a database?

In real-time, the logger captures and exports SMDR or CDR data to your database as a standard feature. Check our article about call logging to a database.

Netas Diginet DX-1,2,3 related connection settings

NEC Xen Axis (CSV)
Nec SOPHO iS3000 (RS232, FDCR Format 4)
Nitsuko 124i
Nitsuko 288 M2

Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴

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