NEC Aspire (Format2,Date). SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings
This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.
Programming SMDR
10-12-01 : NTCPU Network Setup - IP Address
When using an IP connection from the CPU's ethernet port, set up the IP address used to connect from the PC to the Aspire system (Default:
10-21-02 : NTCPU Hardware Setup - Baud Rate for COM Port
If the SMDR connection is made using the COM port on the CPU, define the baud rate (0=4800, 1=9600, 2=19200, 3=38400).
10-20-01 : LAN Setup for External Equipment
Define the TCP port (0-65535) when communicating to the SMDR (type 5).
10-21-02 : NTCPU Hardware Setup - Baud Rate for COM Port
If the SMDR connection is made using the COM port on the CPU, define the baud rate (0=4800, 1=9600, 2=19200, 3=38400).
14-01-06 : Basic Trunk Data Setup - SMDR Print Out
For each trunk, enter 1 if trunk's calls should appear on SMDR report. Enter 0 if trunk's calls should not appear on SMDR report.
15-01-03 : Basic Extension Data Setup - SMDR Printout
For each extension, enter 1 if extension's calls should appear on SMDR report. Enter 0 if extension's calls should not appear on SMDR report.
15-02-19 : Multi-Line Telephone Basic Data Setup - CTA/CTU Data Communication Mode
Select '0' if the dip switch settings are set to PC connection or select '1' if printer/SMDR connection is selected on the CTA/CTU adapter.
15-02-20 : Multi-Line Telephone Basic Data Setup - Baud Rate for CTA Port
Set the baud rate to be used by the CTA (0=4800, 1=9600, 2=19200).
35-01-01 : SMDR Options - Output Port Type
Specify the type of connection used for SMDR (0=No setting, 1=COM(NTCPU), 3=LAN, 4=CTA/CTU). The baud rate for the COM port should be set in Program 10-21-02 or 15-02-20.
35-01-02 : SMDR Options - Output Destination Number
Specify the SMDR printer output port (CTA/CTU port number).
35-01-03 : SMDR Options - Header Language
Specify the language in which he SMDR header should be printed: 0=English.
35-01-04 : SMDR Options - Omit (Mask) Digits
Enter the number of digits (1-24) you want SMDR to block (i.e., "X" out). Enter 0 not to block any digits.
35-01-05 : SMDR Options - Minimum Number of SMDR Digits
Enter the minimum number of digits a user must dial (1-24) before the system includes a call on the SMDR report. Enter 0 to include all outgoing calls, regardless of the number of digits dialed.
35-01-06 : SMDR Options - Minimum Call Duration
Enter the minimum duration of a call (1-65535) that will print on the SMDR report. Enter 0 to have calls of any duration print.
35-01-07 : SMDR Options - Minimum Ringing Time
Enter how long an unanswered call must ring (1-65535) before SMDR logs it as "No Answer" Enter 0 to allow all "No Answer" calls to print.
35-01-08 : SMDR Options - SMDR Format
Do not change:
This option is added to allow an increased account code field from 8 to 16 when used in the U.K. This allows 16 characters of the Caller ID name to be displayed for the U.S., this option is set to "0" and should remain at this setting as 16 characters are already provided for the account code field. Section 5: Data and SMDR Aspire S Hardware Manual Section 5: Data and SMDR 5-7 5
35-02-01 : SMDR Output Options - Toll Restricted Call
Enter 1 if you want the SMDR report to include calls blocked by Toll Restriction. Enter 0 to exclude blocked calls.
35-02-02 : SMDR Output Options - PBX Calls
If system is behind a PBX, enter 1 to have SMDR include all calls to the PBX. Enter 0 to have SMDR include only calls dialed using PBX trunk access code.
35-02-03 : SMDR Output Options - Display Trunk Name or Number
Select whether the system should display the trunk name (0) or the number (1) on SMDR reports. If this option is set to "1", Program 35-02-14 must be set to "0".
35-02-04 : SMDR Output Options - Daily Summary 35-02-05 : Weekly Summary and 35-02-06 : Monthly Summary
Enter 1 to enable a summary report. Enter 0 to disable a summary report. The daily report prints every day at midnight. The weekly report prints every Sunday night at midnight. The monthly report prints at midnight on the last day of the month.
35-02-08 : SMDR Output Options - Incoming Calls
Enter 0 if you want the SMDR report to include incoming calls. Enter 1 if you want the SMDR report to exclude incoming calls.
35-02-09 : SMDR Output Options - Print Name or Number
Enter 0 if you want the SMDR report to include the extension's name. Enter 1 if you want the SMDR report to include the extension's number.
35-02-10 : SMDR Output Options - All Lines Busy (ALB) Output
Enter 1 to report information when all lines in a group are busy and an extension user tries to access the group. Enter 0 if this information should not be included.
35-02-12 : SMDR Output Options - DID Table Name Output
Determine if the DID table name should be displayed for incoming DID calls (0=Not Displayed, 1=Displayed).
35-02-13 : SMDR Output Options - CLI Output When DID to Trunk
Determine if the Caller ID should be displayed when the incoming DID number is transferred to an outgoing trunk (0=Not Displayed, 1=Displayed).
35-02-14 : SMDR Output Options - Date
Determine whether the date should be displayed on SMDR reports (0=not displayed, 1=displayed). This option must be set to "0" if the trunk name is set to be displayed in Program 35-02-03.
35-02-15 : SMDR Output Options - CLI/DID Number Switching
Enter 0 to display the Caller ID number. Currently, option "1" for the DID number is not available. With software 4.0E+, determine if the Caller ID number (0), DID number (1) or Caller ID name (2) should be displayed in the SMDR output.
35-02-16 : SMDR Output Options - Print Trunk Name or Received Dialed Number
Determine how the SMDR should print incoming calls on ANI/DNIS or DID trunks. If set to (1), ANI/DNIS trunks can print DNIS digits for DID trunks, if the received number is not defined in Program 22-11-01, then no number will be printed. If set to (0) trunk names are printed instead (as assigned in Program 14-01-01).
35-02-17 : SMDR Output Options - Print Account Code or Caller ID Name
Determine whether the Account Code (0) or Caller ID name (1) should appear in the SMDR record. By default, the Account Code will be displayed. Note: Program 35-01-08 must be set to "0" for this entry to be followed.
COM port connection
You need a standard RS232 null modem cable
NEC Aspire
This PBX outputs SMDR data via IP.
You can easily change the setting above using the WebPro interface.
Open your favorite browser.
Navigate to the (use the IP address of your PBX here)
Login using the installer name and password (Factory Default Settings for the NEC Aspire WebPro: ASPIRE/12345678).
Change the settings below.
Apply the changed settings.
Reboot your PBX if you have changed something in "NTCPU Network Setup".
Configuring PBX Data Logger as a TCP client
Our software should work in the TCP client mode. It means that our software will initiate connection with the PBX and the PBX will work as a server. Add one or several PBX IP addresses here (the IP address of the (none)). The port number should match the port that you have defined within the PBX (60010 in the example below).
1. Add a new configuration with the TCP data source (if you didn't it before).
2. Configure the TCP settings as shown below.
Selecting the correct parser for NEC Aspire (Format2,Date)
The standard functionality includes the logger capturing and exporting SMDR or CDR data in real-time to your database. Check our article about call logging to a database.
Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴
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