
ESI v3 (Extended Format). SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

SMDR formats

Supported models: ESI-1000, ESI-600, ESI-200, ESI-100, ESI-50

Advanced PBX Data Logger supports: CSV and Extended SMDR formats

Capturing SMDR data over Ethernet

The NSP1 can be used to output SMDR data over an IP network. The TCP can be xx003 (default value is 59003). For more information about PBX settings, see NSP Installation Made Simple (ESI # 0450-0669).

Configuring PBX Data Logger as a TCP client

Our software should work in the TCP client mode. It means that our software will initiate connection with the PBX and the PBX will work as a server. Add one or several PBX IP addresses here (the IP address of the (none)). The port number should match the port that you have defined within the PBX (59003 in the example below).

1. Add a new configuration with the TCP data source (if you didn't it before).

TCP/IP Data Interface

2. Configure the TCP settings as shown below.

TCP Client Mode - ESI


Capturing SMDR data through RS-232 port

Use an RS-232C cable to connect a PC's serial port to the system's Maintenance/SMDR port. If necessary, consult the Hardware Installation Manual. SMDR data will be stored temporarily if a laptop is connected for programming (5-15 minutes). The buffered SMDR data will resume output to the serial port.

Entering programming mode

You may program from any ESI desktop phone in the system:

1. Press PROG/HELP at any station. The normal station programming menu prompts will begin to play.
2. Press HOLD. The "enter password" prompt will play.
3. Enter the Installer password (default is 789). Then, to confirm the password, either press # or wait two seconds. You are now in programming mode. The extension will be automatically placed in DND, and its display will show:
4. The system will play the system programming menu. Follow it to program as you wish.
5. When finished, hang up.

Function 18: Maintenance/SMDR serial port

Real-time SMDR call records are continuously output to the SMDR port.

1. Select the output device by pressing the scroll keys (SERIAL or ETHERNET (if connecting to a LAN through an NSP board)).
2. The system will then prompt you for the serial port baud rate. You can change this rate by pressing the scroll keys.
3. Select the SMDR format, STANDARD, EXTENDED, or CSV, by pressing the scroll keys.

If necessary, consult the ESI Communications Servers: Programming Manual

Selecting the correct parser for ESI v3 (Extended Format)

Parser Selection For ESI v3 (Extended Format) - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

ESI v3 (Extended Format)

ESI v3 (Extended Format)

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Caller namestringFLAG2

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

With our PBX Reports utility, you get manual, scheduled, and email reporting options, a built-in web server, and other functionalities. Set up your call accounting for ESI v3 (Extended Format). Check our PBX Reports utility.

Want PBX call logs in a database?

Real-time capture and export of SMDR or CDR data to your database is a standard feature of the logger. Check our article about call logging to a database.

ESI v3 related connection settings

ESI v2 (csv)
ESI v3 (csv)
Eclipse Executone IDS
Ericsson BP 250 (BiDi)

Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴

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