
Cisco UC560. SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Selecting the correct parser for Cisco UC560

Parser Selection For Cisco UC560 - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Cisco UC560

Cisco UC560

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Date Time OriginationintegerCALL_TIME
Call IDstringFLAG1
CDR typestringFLAG2
Call leg typestringFLAG3
H323 Call IDstringFLAG4
Peer addressstringPEER_ADDR
Peer subaddressstringPEER_SUB_ADDR
Setup timedatetimeSETUP_TIME
Alert timedatetimeALERT_TIME
Start timedatetimeSTART_TIME
End timedatetimeEND_TIME
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Disconnect causestringFLAG5
Disconnect textstringFLAG6
H323 call originstringCALL_ORIGIN
Charged unitsstringCHARGED_UNITS
Info typestringINFO_TYPE
Packets outstringPAKS_OUT
Bytes outstringBYTES_OUT
Packets instringPAKS_IN
Bytes instringBYTES_IN
Source 2stringSRC2
Feature namestringFEATURE_ID_FIELD1
Feature invocation timestringFEATURE_ID_FIELD2
Calling numberstringFEATURE_ID_FIELD3
Called numberstringFEATURE_ID_FIELD4
Call typestringCALL_TYPE2
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Ring durationdatetimeRING
Dialed phonestringDIALED_PHONE

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

We offer the versatile PBX Reports utility, which comes with manual, scheduled, and email reports, a built-in web server, and other functionalities. You can implement your call accounting application for Cisco UC560. Check our PBX Reports utility.

Want PBX call logs in a database?

The logger's standard feature includes the real-time capture and exportation of SMDR or CDR data to your database. Check our article about call logging to a database.

Cisco UC560 related connection settings

Cisco Call Manager
Cisco Router CDR
Comdial (CSV)
Comdial ConversIP MP5000
Comdial DSU2

Quick jump to the connection settings for other PBXs or connection formats ↴

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