Schneider Electric (EM1000,EM1100,EM1200) logging - MODBUS registers map
The data can be automatically logged 24/7 into a database, CSV files, or Excel spreadsheets using the Advanced Serial Data Logger (for MODBUS RTU) or Advanced TCP/IP Data Logger (for MODBUS TCP) software. These tools provide continuous and reliable Schneider Electric (EM1000,EM1100,EM1200) logging and log.
MODBUS offset Description Units Data type
3056 Current average single
3008 Current, phase 1 single
3024 Current, phase 2 single
3040 Current, phase 3 single
3058 Voltage (ll) average single
3010 Voltage(ll), phase 1 2 single
3026 Voltage(ll), phase 2 3 single
3042 Voltage(ll), phase 3 1 single
3060 Voltage(ln) average single
3012 Voltage(ln), phase 1 single
3028 Voltage(ln), phase 2 single
3044 Voltage(ln), phase 3 single
3050 Active power, total single
3002 Active power, phase 1 single
3018 Active power, phase 2 single
3034 Active power, phase 3 single
3052 Reactive power, total single
3004 Reactive power, phase 1 single
3020 Reactive power, phase 2 single
3036 Reactive power, phase 3 single
3048 Apparent power, total single
3000 Apparent power, phase 1 single
3016 Apparent power, phase 2 single
3032 Apparent power, phase 3 single
3054 Power factor total single
3006 Power factor, phase 1 single
3022 Power factor, phase 2 single
3038 Power factor, phase 3 single
3200 Forward apparent energy single
3202 Forward active energy single
3204 Forward reactive energy single
3264 Forward run seconds dword
3268 Number of input voltage interruptions dword
2506 Current average single
2500 Current, phase 1 single
2502 Current, phase 2 single
2504 Current, phase 3 single
2514 Voltage (ll) average single
2508 Voltage(ll), phase 1 2 single
2510 Voltage(ll), phase 2 3 single
2512 Voltage(ll), phase 3 1 single
2522 Voltage(ln) average single
2516 Voltage(ln), phase 1 single
2518 Voltage(ln), phase 2 single
2520 Voltage(ln), phase 3 single
2546 Active power, total single
2540 Active power, phase 1 single
There are more MODBUS items for this device. Please download the program to discover all registers.
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