Hager (ECN,ECP,ECT,ECM,ECR,ECA) logging - MODBUS registers map
The following data can be automatically logger 24x7 to a database, CSV files or Excel with the help of the Advanced Serial Data Logger (for MODBUS RTU) or Advanced TCP/IP Data Logger (for MODBUS TCP) software.
MODBUS offset Description Units Data type
45079 Pf, sum L iec smallint
45080 Pf, sum L ieee smallint
45102 Pf, L1 ieee smallint
45103 Pf, L2 ieee smallint
45104 Pf, L3 ieee smallint
45154 Er+, sum T kvarh dword
45158 Er , sum T kvarh dword
45160 P_ea+, sum T kWh dword
45162 P_ea , sum T kWh dword
45184 Ea+, m1, sum T kWh dword
45186 Ea+, m2, sum T kWh dword
45188 Ea+, m3, sum T kWh dword
45190 Ea , m1, sum T kWh dword
45192 Ea , m2, sum T kWh dword
45194 Ea , m3, sum T kWh dword
45196 P_ea+, m1, sum T kWh dword
45198 P_ea+, m2, sum T kWh dword
45200 P_ea+, m3, sum T kWh dword
45202 P_ea , m1, sum T kWh dword
45204 P_ea , m2, sum T kWh dword
There are more MODBUS items for this device. Please download the program to discover all registers.
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