Electro Industries (Shark 250) logger - MODBUS registers map
The data can be automatically logged 24/7 into a database, CSV files, or Excel spreadsheets using the Advanced Serial Data Logger (for MODBUS RTU) or Advanced TCP/IP Data Logger (for MODBUS TCP) software. These tools provide continuous and reliable Electro Industries (Shark 250) logger and record.
MODBUS offset Description Units Data type
1054 Symmetrical component magnitude, 0 sequence component V single
1056 Symmetrical component magnitude, positive sequence V single
1058 Symmetrical component magnitude, negative sequence component V single
1060 Symmetrical component phase, zero sequence component smallint
1061 Symmetrical component phase, positive sequence component smallint
1062 Symmetrical component phase, negative sequence component smallint
1063 Voltage unbalance, zero sequence component component word
1064 Voltage unbalance, negative sequence component word
1065 Current unbalance word
1066 Quadrant indicator word
1508 Varh, (q1+q2) VARh integer
1510 Varh, (q3+q4) VARh integer
1514 Varh, total VARh integer
There are more MODBUS items for this device. Please download the program to discover all registers.
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