
GPS Tracker Data Logger - Plugins

Plugins types: All plugins Data filter Data export Events handler

Data filter plugins


Latest version: 4.0.51 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The filter module "Deadband" for GPS Tracker Data Logger is an additional module that provides a method to exclude less significant data records from the final data export.

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Latest version: 4.0.74 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The filter module "Expressions" for GPS Tracker Data Logger is an interpreter for quick and easy evaluation of math, string, or logical expressions.

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Latest version: 4.0.53 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Aggregator" filter plugin for GPS Tracker Data Logger is an additional module that collecting data from several different parsed data records into one joint data record.

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Digital inputs filter

Latest version: 4.1.50 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The module works with digital data that can be interpreted as "True/False" or "0/1". For example, you can get this data from ADAM 6050, ICP-CON 7041, or MOXA ioLogik E2210 data parser modules.

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Script execute

Latest version: 4.0.64 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Script execute" filter module for GPS Tracker Data Logger is an interpreter for scripts written in most popular programming languages. The plugin's unique feature is the ability to use several languages: PascalScript, C++Script, JScript, and BasicScript to write scripts using your preferred language

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Events generator

Latest version: 4.0.54 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Events generator" filter module for GPS Tracker Data Logger allows you to generate internal program events and handle it with events handling modules.

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Redirect data

Latest version: 4.0.50 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The filter module "Redirect data" for GPS Tracker Data Logger allows you to redirect data from one data source (for example, COM1 or to another data source (for example, COM2 or or vice versa.

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Redirecting data to a TCP server

Latest version: 4.0.67 build 415. April 16, 2024.

This module allows you to redirect parser variable values to a remote or local TCP server. You can use the module to send real-time notifications about input data.

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Data timeout

Latest version: 4.0.62 build 621. July 2, 2024.

The "Data timeout" filter plugin for GPS Tracker Data Logger allows generating events if a device is not sending data within a defined interval.

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Alarms Professional

Latest version: 4.0.31 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The Alarms Professional module for our loggers allows you to analyze the received data in real-time and log alarms based on the specified rules.

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Data Encode

Latest version: 4.0.21 build 415. April 16, 2024.

With the "Data Encode" data filtration plugin, you can encode the values of given variables into a string of JSON, XML-RPC, or CSV data. These are standard formats widely used in data processing applications.

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Data From List

Latest version: 4.0.22 build 415. April 16, 2024.

With the "Data from list" data filtration plugin you can quickly replace the current value of a variable with one from a list.

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Latest version: 4.0.19 build 415. April 16, 2024.

This data filtering module allows you to create a distributed backup system for data receiving interfaces while creating a failover system. The system can significantly reduce downtime and data loss in certain emergencies.

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Summary statistics

Latest version: 4.0.10 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The module "Summary statistics" for our logger-programs allows retrieving basic statistical values such as "Sum", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" etc. Total values can be calculated for any time interval. Additionally, the module can evaluate the quality of a value, depending on the expected and processed number of values.

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Data export plugins

SQL Database Professional

Latest version: 4.1.12 build 703. July 3, 2024.

This data export module for GPS Tracker Data Logger is used for recording and saving the parsed data into SQL-compatible databases: Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLBase, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Informix, Interbase, Firebird.

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Cloud Database Professional

Latest version: 4.0.11 build 415. April 16, 2024.

It is the data connector for cloud databases Microsoft Azure, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift.

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ODBC database

Latest version: 4.0.72 build 702. July 2, 2024.

This module allows exporting parsed variables to any ODBC-compatible database.

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Direct Excel/OpenOpffice Calc/LibreOffice Calc Connection

Latest version: 4.0.75 build 506. May 14, 2024.

This data export module is exports parser variables to columns or rows of a Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or LibreOffice Calc documents using the OLE interface.

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Google Sheets Professional

Latest version: 4.0.9 build 416. April 16, 2024.

This data export plugin for our data logger allows you to write real-time data to Google Sheets. The plugin uses the Google API interface to connect to Google Apps. It does not use any local files and sends data directly to your cloud storage.

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Excel Export Professional

Latest version: 4.0.67 build 506. May 14, 2024.

The module allows you to write processed data to Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003 XLS files. Apart from other Excel plugins, it will enable you to use separate font, color, and format parameters for every row, column, or cell.

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Send keystrokes

Latest version: 4.0.54 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Send keystrokes" data export module allows sending parsed values to edit fields or windows of another Window's application.

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DDE Server

Latest version: 4.0.64 build 415. April 16, 2024.

Data export module "DDE server" for GPS Tracker Data Logger is exporting data via DDE. This module acts as a DDE server, so other applications can connect via DDE to this server and fetch values of parser variables.

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Local (desktop) database

Latest version: 4.0.71 build 506. May 14, 2024.

The "Local database" data export plugin for GPS Tracker Data Logger contains a set of tools for exporting any parsed serial data to different popular formats, such as: Microsoft Excel, RTF, HTML, CSV, DIFF, SYLK, Plain text, Windows Clipboard, XML, DBF, PDF, Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro format.

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Geo Export

Latest version: 4.0.9 build 506. May 14, 2024.

The Geo Export module is intended for creating track files in various popular formats such as KML, GPX, Google Earth, and others. The module receives coordinates and additional data and then saves them in a file in real-time.

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Printer out

Latest version: 4.0.57 build 415. April 16, 2024.

This data export module allows you to print the values of one or more parser variables on the printer as soon as the parser receives and processes the data packet.

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Web Server

Latest version: 4.0.49 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Web Server" plugin implements a simple but fast and robust web server inside our data loggers. You do not need any third-party software (Microsoft IIS server, Apache Web Server, etc.) to get this web server up.

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HTTP POST GET & InfluxDB Export

Latest version: 4.0.34 build 415. April 16, 2024.

This plugin allows exporting data using HTTP API of your server and to the InfluxDB database by using that database's HTTP API.

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SFTP Export

Latest version: 4.0.18 build 415. April 16, 2024.

SFTP Export plugin allows you to send data packets to a remote server using SFTP or FTP protocols. The plugin sends data packets in real-time. It can append a log file on a remote server or create a new file for every data packet.

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MQTT data receiving and publishing

Latest version: 4.0.31 build 415. April 16, 2024.

You can use the "MQTT" module with our loggers to receive and publish data using the MQTT protocol. MQTT is a simplified network protocol that runs over TCP/IP. It is used to exchange messages between devices based on the publish-subscribe pattern.

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OPC UA Server

Latest version: 4.0.19 build 520. May 20, 2020.

The "OPC UA Server" plugin acts as an OPC UA server and allows receiving real-time values from our data loggers. The plugin implements the "Data Access" part of the OPC UA interface.

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Events handling plugins

Events notification

Latest version: 4.0.82 build 620. June 27, 2024.

This additional plugin is used to send messages about events generated by GPS Tracker Data Logger. Once an event occurs (for example: "Port opened" or "Configuration changed"), the plugin creates a text message using the specified template and sends a notification. The form of the notification depends on the plugin settings.

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Internet sharing

Latest version: 4.0.62 build 620. June 27, 2024.

This additional plugin for GPS Tracker Data Logger is intended for the bytes received by GPS Tracker Data Logger and parsed from a data stream by the parser send through the Internet via the SMTP, FTP, SFTP and HTTP (HTTPS) protocols. Using this plugin, you can send the data received from the port via e-mail, uploaded to an FTP server, or any other target on the Internet.

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Scheduler & Hotkeys

Latest version: 4.0.51 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The "Scheduler & Hotkeys" module for GPS Tracker Data Logger is designed to perform tasks according to the predefined schedule or when the hotkey is pressed. For example, it allows you to collect data only at certain hours or when the operator needs it. The list of supported tasks includes opening and closing data sources (e.g., COM or TCP ports), sending data, generating internal program events, or creating a new log file.

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Logs packing and compression

Latest version: 4.0.52 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The plugin allows you to pack a log file that creates the data logger.

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Import logs with data

Latest version: 4.0.52 build 415. April 16, 2024.

The File import module for our loggers adds a menu item to the File menu in the application's main window. You can use that menu item to start data importing from an earlier-created log file, regardless of which the logger uses the data transfer interface.

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