
GPS Tracker Data Logger - BCE FM Light, BCE FM Blue, BCE Wialon IPS GPS tracker

Server software for BCE FM Light, BCE FM Blue, BCE Wialon IPS GPS Trackers, Vehicle trackers, AVL units

BCE FM Light, BCE FM Blue, BCE Wialon IPS

Parser item nameData typeDescription
FULL_DATA_PACKETStringOne message from a data packet
DATA_PACKETStringSame as FULL_DATA_PACKET, but without data packet signatures (if exist)
DATE_TIME_STAMPDateTimeDatetime stamp
DATA_SOURCE_IDIntegerData source ID
DATA_SOURCE_NAMEStringData source name
DATA_SOURCE_FULL_NAMEStringData source full name
CLIENTIDIntegerTracker's remote IP address and port
DEVICE_IDStringDevice ID
RECORD_TYPEStringRecord type
DATE_UTCDateTimeUTC date
TIME_UTCDateTimeUTC time
TIMESTAMP_UTCDateTimeUTC date and time
TIMESTAMPDateTimeLocal date and time
LATITUDE2StringLatitude (source)
LATITUDE2_HStringLatitude (hemisphere)
LATITUDEFloatLatitude 1)
LATITUDE_DEGStringLatitude (format: deg/min/sec)
LONGITUDE2StringLongitude (source)
LONGITUDE2_HStringLongitude (hemisphere)
LONGITUDEFloatLongitude 1)
LONGITUDE_DEGStringLongitude (format: deg/min/sec)
DIIntegerDigital input
DOIntegerDigital output
DI1BooleanDigital input 1
DI2BooleanDigital input 2
DI3BooleanDigital input 3
DI4BooleanDigital input 4
DI5BooleanDigital input 5
DI6BooleanDigital input 6
DI7BooleanDigital input 7
DI8BooleanDigital input 8
DO1BooleanDigital output 1
DO2BooleanDigital output 2
DO3BooleanDigital output 3
DO4BooleanDigital output 4
DO5BooleanDigital output 5
DO6BooleanDigital output 6
DO7BooleanDigital output 7
DO8BooleanDigital output 8
AI1FloatAnalog input 1
AI2FloatAnalog input 2
AI3FloatAnalog input 3
AI4FloatAnalog input 4

1) The value is being calculated using the following formula:

GPS coordinates (longitude, latitude) formula

d - degree
m - minutes
s - seconds
ms - milliseconds

If a longitude is west or a latitude is south, then the value is being multiplied by –1.

GPS Tracker Data Logger related topics:


NMEA logger GPS tracker logger Data Logger Suite