Most updates are only necessary on Windows 95. Starting one of the updates
will do no harm, though. All of them check at startup if a newer version
already exists.
To install one of the following Windows updates please click on the link
and open the program.

.CHM Help Update Version 4.71.1015.0, 710 KB. Download
(Original Microsoft update for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0)
Since we use the new HTML help format (.CHM) you may need to update Windows
to support this help file format. Just click the above link and run the
update program.

msvcrt.dll Version 6.00.8337.0,
150 KB. Download
(Original Microsoft update for Windows 95)
This is to correct the error message: "Module msvcrt.dll not found."
IMPORTANT: You only need this DLL if it does not exist in your Windows
System folder. Before extracting, click Start - Find - Files and Folders,
type in "msvcrt.dll", and hit return. Only if the file is not
found, extract the file into the installation folder.
Note: This archive is not intended to update your version to a
newer version. You can find the newest version of MSVCRT.DLL at the Microsoft
web page here.
WinSock update Version 2,
968 KB. Download
(Original Microsoft update for Windows 95)
This release includes a new version of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack and resolves the following WinSock issues:
- Slow performance with some Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) programs.
- An incompatibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 that could cause a page fault error message.
- A problem with Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 support that could cause programs to drop out of a multicast groups.
This update consists of one file named W95ws2setup.exe. This file installs an updated TCP/IP stack, updated TCP/IP utilities, and updated WinSock 2 components.
If you have installed Internet Explorer 5.0 or Windows 98 or higher,
you already have this version!
comctl32.dll Version 4.72,
420 KB. Download
(Original Microsoft update for Windows 95/NT)
It is recommended to update to at least version 4.72 of comctl32.dll.
This shared Windows DLL is used by every program to display controls like
buttons, check boxes, sliders, and so on. Older versions have reportedly
caused various problems with many programs. Please refer to the Microsoft
Knowledge Base article for further details.
If you have installed Internet Explorer 4.0 or Windows 98 or higher,
you already have this version! You can verify your installed version:
click Start - Find - Find Files or Folders, enter "comctl32.dll".
In the lower box click with the right mouse button on the file found,
select "Properties", and then click on the "Version"