
COM Port Data Emulator generates traffic for a COM, RS232, TCP/IP device. It emulates a device connected through a COM or an Ethernet port.

For Windows 2000 - Windows 11 (2022) (incl. Server, x86 and x64). Latest version: 2.7.4 build 306. March 6, 2024.

COM Port Data Emulator emulates a device connected through a COM or an Ethernet port. It generates traffic like a COM, RS232, TCP/IP device.  

Brief description:

COM Port Data Emulator is a tool for emulating a com port or an Ethernet device that generates a serial stream of data. The program can create a data flow, wrap it to data packets (RS232, TCP/IP, or UDP) and send it to a port.

COM Port Data Emulator can help developers or experts test their applications. This program can simplify your work's typical processes: transmit RS232 or IP data from your various data sources, view and log responses, and much more.

Our software can read a data stream from a text or a binary file or generate random data packets. You may send data repeatedly.

What problems can be solved with COM Port Data Emulator - Freeware?

Our software is ideal for numerous types of applications: software developers, network technicians, technical Support Staff, SCADA/telemetry engineers, telecom engineers, application developers. With this software's help, you can playback your log file and test/configure your software without a device connected to a PC. You can generate a random data flow and test your system/software/hardware stability in this situation.

Getting started is easy. COM Port Data Emulator - Freeware is ready!

After installation, you may locate a program icon on the desktop or in the Start → Programs menu and launch COM Port Data Emulator. Then select the COM number, communication parameters, configure a data source and click the "Start" button. The program will start generating data flow.


COM Port Data Emulator. Overview. More screenshots


Universal. COM Port Data Emulator supports COM, RS232, RS485 (with a converter), TCP/IP, UDP ports;

Full duplex mode. The program can read and receive data at the same time (exclude RS485);

Flexible configuration. Our emulator supports the miscellaneous baud rates (up to 115200), the number of data bits, the number of stop bits, different types to parity, flow control types, and others;

Flow control. Supports flow control for COM and RS232 ports;

Client/Server. The software can operate as a client and a server over TCP/IP;

Free data source. The emulator can read a data stream from a text or binary file;

Protocol files. COM Port Data Emulator can create a log file with data sent;

Visualization. The program displays line status (COM and RS232) and communication errors and logs sent and received data.